Dentistry Portfolio

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NHS Dental Services

Stand: H42
  • Business & professional services

We process every NHS dental form (FP17) and make payments of £2.4 billion to NHS primary care dentists in England and Wales. We manage Compass – the online dental contract management, payment and superannuation portal, and publish dental data via our eDEN dashboards, working alongside the NHSBSA’s Digital Data and Technology directorate. Over 40,000 dental professionals are registered for Compass. 


NHS Dental Services support dental professionals with a range of services, process all NHS dental claims and make annual payments of over £2.4 billion to NHS dentists, on behalf of the NHS Business Services Authority.


Stella House, Goldcrest Way, Newburn Riverside, Ne
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tyne And Wear
NE15 8NY
United Kingdom

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