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Miranda Steeples

Miranda Steeples

President, British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Miranda has worked in dentistry for 17 years, as a dental nurse, and now as a dental hygienist and dental therapist. She qualified from the University of Leeds in 2009 and works in general practice. In her spare time, Miranda completed an MSc at the University of Kent, and enjoys volunteering for Mini Molars Cambodia providing dental care to children. She is a member of the Board of the Faculty of dental hygiene and therapy for the College of General Dentistry and the elected representative to the Council for dental hygiene and dental therapy; a member of the coordinating committee, Alliance for a Cavity Free Future UK Chapter; Honorary Ambassador for the Mouth Cancer Foundation, and is the President of the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, 2022-2024.

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